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World Press Freedom Index 2024 – Careers Ready


Reporters Without Borders (RSF for Reporters Sans Frontiers) According to the World Press Freedom Index India's position has dropped from 36.62 to 31.28.

Reporters Without Borders (RWB)

  • It is an international non-profit organization governed by the principles of democratic governance. It protects the right of every person to have access to free and reliable information.

freedom of press

  • It is the ability of journalists to select, produce and disseminate news in the public interest, independent of political, economic, legal and social interference and in the absence of threats to their physical and mental safety.

World Press Freedom Index

  • About the World Press Freedom Index: The index is compiled annually by RSF by assessing journalists' ability to work independently and cover news.
  • India's ranking: of India Rank will increase from 161 in the year 2023 after improving 159 in the year 2024 happened. However, this increase was mainly due to declines in the rankings of other countries.
    • In all categories except security indicators in the press freedom questionnaire India's score declined, including political context, legal framework, economic context, socio-cultural context and security. Are.

  • Ranking of Indian neighboring countries: Pakistan is ranked 152nd, Sri Lanka 15th, Nepal 74th and Maldives 106th.
    • Afghanistan is ranked 178th, Bangladesh 165th and Myanmar 171st.
  • Asia Pacific region: This is the second most challenging area in the world for journalism.
    • for journalism Five countries included in the ten most dangerous countries of the world Are. Myanmar (171st), China (172nd), North Korea (177th), Vietnam (174th) and Afghanistan (178th).

  • Middle East and North Africa: About Situation 'extremely serious' in half the countries Is.
    • The United Arab Emirates joins eight other countries in the red zone on the map: Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Palestine, Iraq, Bahrain, Syria and Egypt.
  • countries with good press freedom: The countries where press freedom is “good” are all in Europe, and especially within the European Union, which its first media freedom law (EMFA) is adopted.
    • Norway (first) is followed by Denmark (second) and Sweden (third).

Concern raised by index

  • Global press freedom in danger: The political officials who are responsible for protecting the freedom of the press are becoming a threat to it.
    • Press freedom has seen a decline, globally. There has been an average decrease of 7.6 points.
  • Use of AI for election manipulation: The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) is raising concerns, especially propaganda for political purposes Its use in.
    • Deep fakes are now being used to influence elections.
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