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Rejection of MDH spices in the United States – Careers Ready


Recently Indian spice shipments to various countries There has been a significant increase in rejection.

related facts

  • Everest Food Products Pvt Ltd: Increased Rejections
    • In the last six months, Mahasian Di Hatti (MDH) About one-third of Pvt. Ltd.'s US shipments salmonella contamination Was returned due to (Salmonella Contamination).

    • Additionally, Singapore and Hong Kong have halted sales of a number of products from both MDH and Everest Food Products Pte Ltd due to alleged contamination in their products. Cancer causing pesticides (ethylene oxide) Has been suspended due to being found.
      • International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) ethylene oxide (chemical) Group 1 Carcinogen Classifies as.

About Salmonella

  • Salmonella a type of bacteria Is.
  • It can make people sick, causing diseases like diarrhea.
  • It mainly affects the stomach and intestines.
    • People usually get Salmonella infection by eating foods that contain the bacteria. As- From undercooked or contaminated food, or contaminated drinking water.

  • Transmission: Salmonella is highly contagious and can spread in a variety of ways:
    • food-to-person
    • from animals directly to people or through food
    • from one person to another

Symptoms of Salmonella Infection

  • According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Symptoms of Salmonella infection include.
    • Diarrhea
    • stomach cramps
    • Fever
    • nausea
    • vomiting occasionally

spice market in india

  • India is recognized as the largest producer of spices throughout the world.
  • it International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Produces 75 of the 109 varieties listed by the ILO.
  • Major exported spices are:-
    • Black pepper, cardamom, chilli, ginger, turmeric, coriander, cumin, celery, fennel, fenugreek, garlic, nutmeg and mace, curry powder, spice oil and oleoresin.
    • Statistics for the year 2023 and 2024
      • In the year 2023, India's export of spices was approximately US$ 3.73 billion.
      • India's export of spices in the year 2023-2024 (up to February) was about US$ 3.67 billion.

  • Largest spice producing states in India
    • Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka.
    • Maharashtra, Assam, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

Reasons why Salmonella is dangerous

Salmonella is dangerous for several reasons:

  • incurable disease: it In sensitive groups like children, elderly, pregnant women and people with weak immune systems Can cause incurable disease.
    • These groups may require hospitalization and additional treatment.
      • In summer, such infections are more common than in winter.
        • however most healthy adults Recover without the need for medical care.
  • Antibiotic-Resistant: Some strains of Salmonella are becoming antibiotic-resistant, making them difficult to treat with conventional medicine.
    • This can lead to serious complications.

Government initiative to promote spice production

  • Export development and promotion of spices: This initiative was taken by the Spices Board of India.
    • This initiative promotes Indian brand spices, sets up infrastructure in spice growing areas.
    • Objective: To assist exporters in using advanced technology.
      • The existing technology is being upgraded for the growth of the industry.
  • Establishment of spice parks: The Board began setting up eight crop-specific spice parks in major production areas and market centres.
    • Objective: The objective of this initiative is to help farmers get better prices and wider market access for their crops.
      • Apart from the above, it also aims at enhancing the spices cultivation, post-harvest, processing, value addition and A comprehensive system for storage of spices has to be developed.
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