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Medicinal plant use by Sumatran orangutan 'Rakus'


from Indonesia sumatra island but one male orangutan 'Rakus' (Rakus) It was developed by German and Indonesian scientists to treat wounds on the face. Medicinal plant 'Akar Kuning' i.e. Fibraurea Tinctoriacome on yellow root Recorded using the camera.

related facts

  • Actively self-heal: A male Sumatran orangutan named Raucus was injured in the face.
    • Three days after the injury, Rawkus Akar Kuning (Fibrouria tinctoria) Plucked the leaves, chewed them and applied the resulting juice on the facial wounds for several minutes.
  • Finally, he completely covered the wound with chewed leaves.
  • Significance: Observation shows that wound healing with plants necessary for cognitive abilities May be as old as the last common ancestor of orangutans and humans.

Self-healing abilities in non-humans

  • Natural healing abilities among apes: to the monkeys parasitic infection For the treatment of Swallowing specific plants and rubbing plant material on one's skin to treat muscle pain have been known to occur.
    • For example- A chimpanzee group in Gabon was observed applying maggots to wounds.
      • however, Wound treatment with biologically active substances has not been documented so far.

Akar Kuning that is Fibraurea tinctoria

  • Habitat: it tropical forests of south-east asia Is the native species of.
  • This plant is widely China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and South-East Asia Found in other parts of.
  • Medicinal Properties: This plant along with other plants of its family Known for its analgesic and antipyretic properties.
    • Local communities actually use these plants in traditional medicine to address various ailments, including malaria.
  • Wound healing properties: In this Furano Diterpenoids And Protoberberine Alkaloids are in which Antibacterial, Anti-Inflammatory, Antifungal, Antioxidant and others relevant to wound healing Has biological properties.

Orangutan (Man of the Forest)

  • About Orangutan: They are one of the most extant species of apes. Apart from this there are others- Common Chimpanzee, Gorilla And Chimpanzee or Bonobo.
    • orangutan are least closely related to humans but still our Share about 97% of DNA.
  • Arboreal Mammals: Orangutan means in Indonesian and Malay languages 'Person of the Forest'and these monkeys Are the world's largest arboreal mammals.
  • social structure: Orangutans adapted to live in trees, Live a more solitary life than other great apes, They live and eat food in the canopy of forests and keep swinging from one branch of the tree to another.
  • Cognitive Abilities: Orangutans have high cognitive abilities and are known to be excellent problem-solvers.
    • In wild orangutans it Skills are acquired through social education and these skills are transmitted from generation to generation.
  • Types of Male Orangutan: There are two different types of adult male orangutans- Flanged and Unflanged.
    • Flanged Males: They have prominent pads on their cheeks, called flanged, and a sac in their throat, which they use to make loud sounds.Which is called 'long call'. They also have a long patch of black hair on their back.
    • Unflanged Male: They look like an adult female.
  • Life cycle: Orangutan in the forest Can live up to 50 years. Females first reproduce between the ages of 10–15 years.
    • They give birth to a child maximum once every 5 years and the interval between children can be up to 10 years.
  • Reproduction and Development: conception It is seven and a half to eight and a half months old.
    • any living thing on land, including humans Orangutans have the longest period of dependence on another animal's mother.
  • Distribution: orangutan Found on Sumatra islands of Indonesia and Borneo, Which is divided between Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei.
  • Types of Orangutan: From the point of view of classification, there are three types of orangutans- Sumatran, Bornean and Tapanuli.
    • Sumatran Orangutans: Sumatran orangutans have long facial hair. The Bornean and Sumatran species have shaggy red fur.
      • between these There are more close social bonds than the Bornean species.
      • The Sumatran orangutan is almost exclusively arboreal.
      • Females virtually never roam the land And adult males do this only occasionally. This is in contrast to the Bornean orangutan, especially the adult male, Who often wander around the site.

    • Bornean Orangutan: It differs from the Sumatran orangutan in appearance, He has a broad face and short beard and his complexion is also slightly dark.
  • Tapanuli Orangutan: A third species of orangutan was announced in November 2017.
    • Habitat: it found in northern sumatraBut It is genetically and behaviorally different from the other two species.
  • IUCN status: Critically Endangered.

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