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Enhancing the global value of Earth Observation reports – Careers Ready


World Economic Forum by Deloitte A recent report prepared in collaboration with the Earth Observation (EO) offers valuable uses of data.

  • Objective: To embed EO data into our operations for a more prosperous and resilient future for the Earth by exploring strategic approaches to maximize the global impact of EO. Motivating stakeholders in the EO ecosystem.

Key findings of the report

  • Promoting Economic Development: Greater adoption of Earth observation data and technology will contribute to global GDP. An increase of up to $3.8 trillion could boost global growth.
  • increase in price: Global value of Earth observation data by 2030 It is estimated to increase from $266 billion to more than $700 billion.
  • Carbon Reduction: Earth observation data annually Has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2.2 gigatons, Which is equivalent to emissions from 476 million cars.

  • regional Development: The Asia Pacific region will take the lead in controlling the value of EO, Which will potentially reach $315 billion by the year 2030, with Africa and South America expected to see the highest percentage growth in this regard.
  • Beneficiary Sectors of EO Data: Year by 2030 About 94% of the total value offered by Earth observation data Agriculture, Power & Utilities, Government, Insurance, Mining, Oil & Gas & Supply Chain & Transportation Like it is estimated to come from 6 areas.
  • Efficiency in Operation: EO data can help industries innovate, work more efficiently and better manage risks around the world.

What is Earth Observation (EO)?

  • earth observation The process of collecting information about activities and features on the Earth, including physical, chemical, biological, and anthropogenic (human) systems.
  • Technology Used: In this remote sensing technologies (Various types of sensors, including satellites, to measure energy reflected or emitted from distant atmosphere) and 'In-Situ' data sources (collected next to the measuring instrument, such as temperature readings by a thermometer).
  • First EO satellite: US Department of the Interior by year Launched the Landsat program in 1972, Which provided never-before-seen images of the Earth that fundamentally changed geographical, cartographic and other earth science disciplines.
    • ISRO launched India's first Earth observation satellite named IRS-1A in the year 1988.

EO data usage

  • Precision agriculture/aquaculture: Enhancing regenerative practices, reducing input costs and monitoring season performance and yield.
  • Supply Chain Monitoring: To explore changes in the supply chains of physical goods and their impacts on international commerce and ecological indicators.
  • To build back better: to better direct emergency response and analyzing environmental changes to measure the extent of damage.
  • Environmental Impact Monitoring: To provide a reliable, third-party based source to help measure environmental impacts and verify certain environmental commitments and mandates.
  • Vulnerability Analysis: climate change and others Description of risks arising from hazards and conducting assessments that may materially impact people, infrastructure and operations.
  • Early warning: to advance planning, response and recovery Early detection of disasters like floods and forest fires with greater speed and accuracy.
  • site selection: Identifying operational sites for large-scale infrastructure with best yield, efficiency and/or relative environmental impact.
  • Consumer Experience: Providing value to individual users through information such as air quality or weather forecasts.

Benefits of EO Applications

  • Economic
    • Increase in Productivity/Revenue: By increasing the production and efficiency of assets and processes that will drive innovation in products and services to reach new customers or create new markets.
    • cost avoidance: Monitor natural hazards to better manage the risks they pose to infrastructure and operations, minimize losses, comply with regulatory requirements and avoid related penalties.
  • Environment
    • climate: Monitoring climate change and emissions, which informs actions to mitigate climate change such as limiting GHG emissions and supporting carbon capture.
    • Nature: Monitoring ecosystems to inform actions that protect and strengthen natural habitats, biodiversity, and overall ecological health.
    • Sustainable Development: Earth Observation data can support 16 of the 17 UN SDGs, particularly those focused on climate and nature.
  • Agriculture
    • Crop: It provides farmers access to quality information about plant health, which can improve decision making for the application of inputs such as fertilizer and water, leading to higher crop production.
    • Fisheries Management: Provides information on water quality and fish stocks to inform optimal aquaculture site management and harvesting.
    • Livestock Management: Helps farmers manage livestock more effectively by enhancing grazing decisions and unlocking targeted interventions to increase pasture biomass.
  • Challenges
    • among target users earth observation data And about its use and application limited awareness
    • shortage of specialized workforce, Which can interpret EO data for common people and integrate with business policies.
    • Difficulty navigating the EO market Because it requires technical and statistical skills.
    • Difficult to access EO data Lack of specific standards for making.
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